Music Ministry

Zimre Music Ministry

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

— Colossians 3:16 KJV

What Is Music Ministry?

Simply put, music ministry is a service to God that supports the preaching of the Word by leading the congregation through song and worship. The word "praise" is derived from a Latin word meaning value or price. To give praise in the music ministry then, is to proclaim God's merit and worth in the life of the individual.

Zimre Music Ministry

"Zimre is a singing church."

— Pastor J Chikosi

These defining words denote Pastor Mwandurah's musical drive and zeal for genuine Spirit-filled worship and praise in the church. Zimre tabernacle has always had a perchant for music. From the early days under the directorship of the pastor, we pioneered the annual Harp and Bowl all night meetings where saints from all Message churches would meet at the tabernacle solely for praise and worship. The church choir also has sung at various gatherings both in Mutare and Harare in praise to our Lord. The passion for participating in music is shared by the entire church be it in congregational singing, playing instruments or presenting special songs during the service.

On any service day, Zimre Tabernacle is buzzing with joy as the saints sing their hearts out during song services, oftentimes breaking into dance as the Holy Spirit leads.


The dedicated team of song leaders and instrumentalists include (From L to R) John, John Steve, Enoch, Panashe Takudzwa, Eliazer and Noah (not pictured)

The purpose of the Music Ministry is to exhort, uplift, and encourage the body of Christ through song and worship. The Music Ministry encompasses the song leaders, choir and instrumentalists. Members of the Music Ministry must be faithful members of Bible Believers' Tabernacle. They must strive to live according to God’s Word and purpose and be great team players in this ministry.

We invite you to check our events calendar regularly for upcoming music events at the tabernacle