Our Purpose

Zimre Bible Believers Purpose

Our Purpose, Vision and Values

Our Purpose

To lead millions into the Jesus family and empower them to make a difference while honoring God with their lives.

"I dream of an influential church sitting on more than 5 acres of land in Ruwa that welcomes the hurting into the fellowship, developing them to Christ-like maturity, equipped for service and sent out with a clear Message of the Good News."

— Pastor HR Mwandurah

Zimre Bible Believers Vision

  • It is the dream of sharing the clear message of the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of people in the world.
  • It is a dream of an influential Church whose praise and worship touches Heaven, changes earth and enthroning Christ.
  • It is the dream of a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, are drawn from impossible situations into a loving and friendly circle of hope, where answers are found, and acceptance is given.
  • It is the dream of welcoming 10,000 young and old members into the fellowship of our local church family-loving, learning, laughing, and living in harmony together.
  • It is the dream of developing people to Christ-like maturity through Bible studies, small groups, retreats, and a tape ministry for our members.
  • It is the dream of equipping every believer for a significant ministry by helping them discover gifts and talents God gave them.
  • It is the dream of sending out hundreds of career missionaries and church workers all around the world.
  • It is the dream of at least 5 acres of land, on which will be built Bible Believers Tabernacle -with beautiful, yet simple, facilities including a worship center seating thousands, a library, recording facilities, counseling and prayer center and a recreation area.